The largest ever registrational study for a diagnostic product, involving more than 47,000 women shows that the cobas(R) 4800 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) test from Roche, is able to improve the detection of pre-cancerous cells in women whose cervical smears tested normal. The ATHENA (Addressing THE Need for Advanced) HPV Diagnostics trial demonstrated that more than… Continue reading
Author: News Health
We don’t need a multivitamins – is this is true?
This statement would be true if every day we ate a wide variety of local, seasonal, organic fruits and vegetables grown in nutrient rich soils and virgin water that hadn’t been picked green, gas ripened, irradiated, shipped, placed in cold storage, left to sit on the supermarket shelf, and then cooked within an inch of… Continue reading
Development of the gait in the toddlers
Whether your baby rises from a crawl with a shaky first step or a full-on sprint across the living room, chances are you’ll be on the edge of your seat. But remember — a child’s first steps usually aren’t picture perfect. Learning to walk takes time and practice, and it’s common for kids to start… Continue reading
Fitness and your teen age child
Kids who enjoy sports and exercise tend to stay active throughout their lives. Immediate benefits include maintaining a healthy weight, feeling more energetic, and promoting a better outlook. Participating in team and individual sports can boost self-confidence, provide opportunities for social interaction, and offer a chance to have fun. And regular physical activity can help… Continue reading
Speech pathology is reveals from air flows in mechanical devices
From a baby’s first blurted “bowl!’” for the word “ball” to the whispered goodbye of a beloved elder, the capacity for complex vocalizations is one of humankind’s most remarkable attributes — and perhaps one we take for granted most of our lives. Not so for people who are afflicted with paralysis to their vocal folds… Continue reading
How to prevent us and our families from cold and flu
The season of colds and flu is rapidly approaching. “there is no cure,” people often say, If you’re going to get it, you’ll get it!” But there are some things we can do to help guard against it. Here are ten top tips for boosting your immune system – the best defence for colds and… Continue reading
Lose Weight with Honey
Honey is a natural organic product that has many health benefits. You may be surprised to find out that honey is extremely beneficial in your weight loss battle. If you want to lose some extra pounds, then honey will help you. Combined with warm water, honey can do miracles. Our bodies store all the unused… Continue reading
Running in the snows
Baby, it’s cold outside, but that doesn’t mean you should be stuck on the treadmill. Exercising in the fresh air (even when it’s nippy!) has good-for-you benefits—just five minutes can boost your energy and mood. The key is to know how to avoid cold-weather mishaps. Follow these tips from Jonathan Cane, president of New York… Continue reading